Day 750 Adam September 19, 2017 Adam Hill Drinking Puns, Money Puns, Pirate Puns, Text Only Puns keywords: pirate, arrrrr, bar, drinks, cocktails, beer, wine, liquor Facebook Comments barcoinsmoney Share This Tweet Share Share Email Pin It Related Posts Day 1186 Ryan Where did Captain Hook get his hook? ....a second hand store. Day 1160 Ryan My father in law turned 80 yesterday. I told him he could be a pirate all year now. When people ask how old he is, he can say "aye matey" Day 1387 Adam I gave an album 3.14 stars on iTunes. I was busted for pi rating music.
Day 1160 Ryan My father in law turned 80 yesterday. I told him he could be a pirate all year now. When people ask how old he is, he can say "aye matey"