Day 405 Ryan March 22, 2017 Ryan Chapman Coffee Puns, Drinking Puns, Text Only Puns, Work Puns keywords: t shirt, t-shirt, tea, coffee, barista, Starbucks, latte, caffeine Facebook Comments Starbuckstea Share This Tweet Share Share Email Pin It Related Posts Day 1205 Ryan keywords: mug, coffee, muggy, weather Day 1156 Ryan Therapist: And what do we do when we are sad or angry? Me: Have pie and lattes or go for some rum. Therapist: Actually, I said "get exercise like maybe a pilates class or go for a run". Day 1108 Ryan If your coffee tastes like dirt, it's probably fresh ground.
Day 1156 Ryan Therapist: And what do we do when we are sad or angry? Me: Have pie and lattes or go for some rum. Therapist: Actually, I said "get exercise like maybe a pilates class or go for a run".